Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to VASTU200

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo,

Welcome the the VASTU200 Blog. This is the site where you can get the information you need to succeed in life. Neither Gary or I(Levi) are "bloggers" and this is a first for me but I will try to make this resource as easy to use as possible. This blog will consist of essential notes for the class that you will need to review before coming to class every week, yes every week. Brutal. It will have a basic overview of the section we are studying in class as well as some images showing examples of techniques and some key words you will either need to look up or just study. Feel free to email me or Gary with any questions or if anything on this little blog isn't clear.



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Chris said...

You should totally moderate the comments so you don't get crap like that. Weird.